Sunday, February 11, 2007

a Rogue beginning

I've started making swatches for the Rogue sweater. The gauge needed is 4 1/2 stitches per inch, and, the first swatch with #5 straight needles gave me 5 1/2 per inch. If that had worked, I was going to buy a of #5 circ (I don't have a set. Err, for circular needles, is it needle singular, or a pair of needles?) but I guess I'm not now. (Digression: one of these days I'm going to have to get a complete set of knitting needles...) I don't have #6 needles at all, neither straight or circular, but I have both in #7. So, I'm trying #7 circ. I think the last time I used this needle, was when I knitted a dress in highschool. It was very cute, very warm, and I had two skeins from a different dye lot so there was a slightly different colored strip at the bottom. But it got me a purple ribbon at the county Fair!

I haven't gotten the Fair Isle gloves done yet. Bad me. :( I'm almost to the point of working the fingers, and I just don't have enough working brain cells to do that. Knitting simple square swatches is about all my brain will do right now. Maybe tomorrow will be a better brain day ;)

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