Sunday, January 06, 2008

slow day

today's been a slow day, knitting, and/or otherwise. We went to church last night, Big J had to work today, and me and the kiddos just hung out at home. Didn't do much, just read, watched TV, and yes, did a little bit of knitting on the grey blob sweater. Oh, and I was playing around on the internet a bit...Ravelry is EEEEvil!

For the rest of the week, it's a bit busier. Monday, I've got a dentist appointment. It's a new dentist, and I'm already not too happy with them, because the receptionist didn't want to schedule my kids visits over the phone. grr...And after that I shuttle Little Sister to the library for a craft project. But, I get to knit with all the kewl knitters at Panera's that evening. :) Tuesday, Little J and I may be driving in Indy to find me some new bras...this depends on how tired I am, i think. Little Sister goes back to school on Tuesday, too, so it would be _just_ Little J and I. Then Wednesday, there's a LLL meeting in the morning, and I have a doctor's appointment in the afternoon. hmm...can I just sleep all day on Thursday? (not if Little J has anything to say about it)

Have you noticed the more frequent postings? Let's see if I can keep it up. I don't do NewYear'sResolutions, but, I would like to keep up with this blog. Let's see how I do.

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