Guess what I did yesterday? Baked cookies!
Our La Leche League group was supposed to (cancelled on account of ice) have a cookie swap today, for the holidays. I made Gingerbread Men, although the weren't quite traditional. I didn't have any white frosting made up, so Big J kindly allowed me to use the black frosting that he had bought to make a panda bear cake (Big J and Little J are planning on making a
panda bear rice krispies cake. It's all THEIR project, i swear). They have little black eyes and smiley mouths,
and redhots for their buttons.
This morning, I gave the Littlest Girl one of the undecorated gingerbread. She's been gnawing on it, on and off this morning, and she seems to like it.'s hard enough that big pieces don't break off, but she's making an incredible mess with slobbery
gingerbread crumbs...I like making cookies, but with the little kids, it's hard to find enough time when I'm not holding/changing/watching a kidlet to be in the kitchen :( (hmm...wonder if an electric mixer would help? hmm...) However, the cookie swap was a big incentive to make cookies, and additionally, Big J picked up some refrigerated sugar cookie dough at the grocery store, so we're going to make that tonight. (I have a few different gingerbread men cookie cutters, and then I have Halloween cookie cutters. No Christmas ones. Big J says just use the Halloween ones, and "make Nightmare Before Christmas cookies" LOL!) So, we may have cookies on my cookie platter until after Christmas, which may be bad for our waistline, but it's really pretty!
The pictures to the right ----->
are the cookies I put on the table today. The ones in the middle are imported German soft gingerbread that I found at the Commissary, the ones on the right are the large size gingerbread men, and the ones on the left are the little gingerbread boys made with the littlest cookie cutter of my gingerbread imp set.Speaking of imps, Little J was sitting at the table when everyone else was out of the room, just looking at the cookies. When I came back, several of the cookies were missing their eyes. He had been swiping off the icing and eating it!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
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1 comment:
You have a cool Le Leche League. I'll suggest a cookie swap for the next holiday at our meeting tonight.
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