Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This week in our world...

It's been over a week since my last post?! eek! Well, I've got pictures and stuff to share

Last Wednesday Little G learned how to roll over from her back onto her tummy. She still doesn't like being _on_ her tummy, but she can use it to wiggle around.

And, she grabs onto toys and holds them. (and shoves them into her mouth...)

almost got it I got it

And here is the little boy, chilling with his baby sister:
boy and lil sister

Monday was Knitting night at Panera's, and it was the swap day for our DishCloth Swap. I had forgotten my list of who was knitting for who at home, but luckily, C. called up her husband and he was able to get it off the internet. Yay for C. and husband! The one on the left is the one I knit, and the one on the right is the one that I recieved. Interesting that they are both blue, isn't it?

swirl dishcloth
square dishcloth

I gave over the baby sweater for A's new baby to C. at kniitting. I had finally sewn on the buttons (note to self: check the size of the holes in the buttons because you're going to put YARN thru there) and I had hoped A would be at knitting. No such luck, but the sweater ws awfully cute.

A's surprise sweater

I had my hair cut about a week ago (sorry, no pics of me) and it's much much shorter. I haven't gotten comments on it, and i realized why: most people didn't know how long my hair had been. It was down to my bottom, but I always wore it up.Now, it's barely to my shoulders and very cute. Or so my husband tells me! :)

Okay, that's enough randomness. Back to the Jakers Sweater!

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